Good animation overall, but my brother has brought up the very same point and I'll say the same thing as I did to him: something had to happen. Yes, the odds of me happening exactly how I am are miniscule, but if I didn't happen, something else would have. You could put 10^900000 lottery balls in a giant bowl and pick one at random, and "oh my goodness, what are the odds of me drawing this very ball?" but had you not drawn that ball, you would have drawn another. Had my parents not met, they would have met other people and they would have had children. Had that exact sperm not met that exact egg, then my parents would have just had a different child, or at least I wouldn't be exactly the same. So, the point that you're making is valid in and of itself, but you're presenting it like it's either how it happened or nothing. Regardless, good video.